Integrated Development Program (IDP)

Integrated Development Program (IDP)
Socio Economic Empowerment with Dignity and Sustainability (SEEDS)
SUS has been implementing the project at 12 unions of 03 upazilas (Dhobaura, Haluaghat and Phulpur) under Mymensingh district since February 2019by the financial assistance of Stromme Foundation (SF) which will be continued upto December 2023. Goal of the project is “By the end of 2023, 3000 marginalized families of Haluaghat, Dhobaura and Phulpur uapazilas of Mymensingh district enjoy the improved socio economic life”.

The target group of the proposed project are the vulnerable sections of the community (i.e. ultra poor, poor and marginalized people, especially women, children, adolescent and the disabled), community people, local government, different government and non-government service providers, the civil society, natural leaders, human and women’s rights activists, journalists, teachers etc. SUS will ensure the participation of 3000 poor and marginalized families (women), 720  adolescent (girl), 3600 (Per year 720 Pre-Primary Student ) 5+ children, 2400 Primary School Student, 63 High School Students and 300 Youth Members of FDP Family.

ENRICH Program
Sabalamby Unnayan Samity (SUS) has started a program “Increase asset and capacity of poor families with a view to eliminate poverty (ENRICH)” at Singher Bangla union under Netrakona sadar upazila of Netrakona district since 01 April 2017 with the financial assistance of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). SUS is implementing the following activities: Health and Nutrition, Education, Youth Development and Social Advocacy and Knowledge Dissemination along with other awareness raising activities. At present, SUS is running 28 Education Support Centers (Pre-primary, Class-I & Class-II). 02 (Two) Health Officers and 12 (Twelve) Health Visitors are providing health services through two sub-offices. Doctors also provide health services through satellite clinics and health camps. Youth and adolescents are also participating in different social and cultural activities.