Khurshida- A Women of Self-reliant
General Information
Name: Khurshida Begum
Father: Khush Mohammad
Mother: Hajera Begum
Village: Digarkanda
City Corporation
Upazila: Mymensingh sadar
District: Mymensingh
Her Position in the Family
Khurshida is the second of two brothers and onesister. She is currently 45 years old.
The family of Khurshida Begum was not so solvent financially. It was a difficult to bear the expenses of such a large family only with the income of her father. They have to spend much money to marry their only daughter. After marriage of Khurshida, they fell into more difficult situation.It was not possible to continue her study more. She studied upto class-V. At the age of 15, her parents arranged her early marriage with Md. Rabbani- an unemployed youth of Digarkanda village under City Corporation of Mymensingh sadar upazila of Mymensingh district. She fell into hardship of 5-members father-in-law’s house. During this time, she became the mother of the first daughter.After two years, she gave birth of a son. Afterward, she gave birth of two sons also. She was passing her life with so much struggling. Finally, she came back to her parents’ house with her husband and two children. In this situation, she was thinking how she will come out from this poverty trap.
Involvement with SUS
In 2017, she came to know thatSabalambyUnnayan Samity (SUS) provides loan with minimum interest after discussing with Ismat Ara, the president of ‘Kanon’ group and she was admitted to the group under the micro credit program of SUS in December 2017. After a few days, he took a loan of taka 15,000 from SUS. She started a small business of sundry items with loan money by adding with her own savings of taka 10,000 and she was repaying back the loan from its income. Later in 2018, she took loan of taka 25,000 and increased the volume of business. She rented a big shop with taka 1,200 per month at Kadur Mur of Mymensingh city. As the business was profitable, she mortgaged 5 kathas (30 decimal) of crop land next to her house with taka 80,000 from the business income. After meeting up the food demand of the year with the crops of that land, she earned taka 20,000 by selling paddy.
Again in 2019, for the third time, she took loan of taka 50,000 and repaid the installments properly.She received and repaid loans in 2020 and 2021 respectively. Finally in 2021, she took a loan of taka 90,000 and repaid on time.At present, she is depositing savings regularly.After withdrawing savings at different times against her need, she has now a savings of taka 30,756.
Current Family Status
She has three sons and one daughter. Names of sons are Ershad, Raju and Razzak and name of only daughter is Ratna.
Monthly Income
At present, her monthly income is taka 40,000.
Current Status
Economic condition of Khurshida is improving day by day.Although Khurshidacould not study much, she is educating her sons and daughter. Although her life was started with poverty, she is now happy with her husband and children. She dreams to educate well of her children.
Her Feelings
Due to early marriage, she was immature in thought andawareness.She has suffered muchfor adjusting with her family life.Being a mother at a tender age, health and body are broken down.Life falls into darkness without education. She has realized the bad effect of early marriage. So, she is adamant to materialize her dream.She is now much moreconcern about the education of her children and she takes care of them. She will never forget the timely cooperation of SUS.She is grateful and thankful to SUS.